LIMU Medical Center

This center is one of the branches of the Educational Health Facilities Department of the Libyan International Medical University, dedicated for further enhancing undergraduate students' competencies. The UMC provides more than 16 clinics, covering different specialties. It also provides students with a reactive, hands-on learning experience, which is made possible using advanced patient simulation, allowing for training undergraduates using advanced manikins. Additionally, the center contains an examination department, for providing Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).


Meet the Different Clinics of the UMC!

The center offers various clinics to provide medical assistance to those in need.

A first of its kind simulation experience in Libya!

The center is equipped with state-of-the-art manikins, which provide learners with an effective clinical training experience, as if they were dealing with real patients.

Get In Touch

Meet Us

Buhdima - Forth Ring Road. Benghazi, Libya.

Call Us

+218 93 11 00 255

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